INDIAN motorcycle pictures

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List of INDIAN motorcycle Models

INDIAN motorcycles
Indian motorcycles were manufactured from 1901 to 1953 by a company in Springfield, Massachusetts initially known as the Hendee Manufacturing Company but which was renamed the Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company in 1928. The Indian factory team took the first three places in the 1911 Isle of Man Tourist Trophy. During the 1910s Indian became the largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world. Indians most popular models were the Scout, made from 1920 to 1946, and the Chief, made from 1922 to 1953. The Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company went bankrupt in 1953.

Between 1953 and the early 1970s, different organizations imported motorcycles into the United States and applied the Indian logo to them, with varying degrees of legitimacy. The rights to the Indian marque were reconciled in the late 1990s and were acquired by Indian Motorcycle Company of America, which began building new Indian motorcycles in Gilroy, California in 1999. The Indian Motorcycle Company of America went bankrupt and ceased production in 2003.

Rights to the Indian marque were acquired by the Indian Motorcycle Company of Kings Mountain, North Carolina in 2006. The concern has since begun production of the new Indian motorcycle.

Motorcycle Insurance Informations
State Farm® has offered motorcycle insurance for 40 years

Protection for the Open Road

The open road is always an adventure. You never know what might be around the bend. So make sure you're prepared for whatever the road has in store for you, with a State Farm motorcycle insurance policy.

Motorcycles Covered by State Farm
We will consider any factory-built motorcycle, motorscooter, and other two or three-wheel vehicles including minibikes and trail bikes licensed for use on public roads.

Available Coverage Options
= Bodily injury to someone else or property damage that you accidentally caused while riding your motorcycle. =
= Bodily injury to yourself because of an accident with an uninsured motorist. =
= Damage to your motorcycle caused by an accident. =
= Theft, fire, vandalism, and other losses even while your motorcycle is in storage for the winter. =
= Customization work, such as paint or upgraded components =
= Attached side cars. =

Note: This is only a general description of available coverages and is not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to policy provisions and applicable endorsements. For further information on motorcycle insurance see a State Farm Agent.

U.S. Car Insurance Companies >

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