Jaguar C-XF Concept car

2007 Detroit Auto Show

The object of Jaguar's C-XF isn't as much to preview the new XF replacement to the S-Type sedan, but rather to make a larger point about the company's future direction in design. The criticism is that while nicely executed, Jaguar styling tends to look more to the past for its inspiration rather than the future. A case in point is the S-Type, which echoed the shape of the Mark II. The C-XF is anything but retro. Its sharply drawn lines, large grille opening and aggressive stance are very forward looking indeed. Ian Callum, who is chief of Jaguar design, maintains that this look is truer to Jaguar history, since the company's cars have always been contemporary from the XK120 right on through the previous generation XJ sedan.

The swoopy four-door has a low greenhouse that gives it a coupe-like profile. Seating only four, the cabin is bisected by a large console running the length of the cockpit and finished in a burnt wood finish. The instrumentation is also cutting edge, with electroluminescent displays and a master control knob that opens up from an aperture on the console. Beneath the hood is a blown 4.2-liter V-8 producing 420 bhp. Callum says that rear-drive C-XF sports an aggressive grille opening not dissimilar to an intake on a jet engine and hints that this look may become a signature cue for all future Jaguar sedans.

2007 Detroit Auto Show Jaguar C-XF Concept
Jaguar C-XF Concept
Tags:Jaguar,New Cars,Concept cars,Fats cars,Bmw

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